29/6 Örlenbadets familjecamping. Shoaling water in the lake. Very nice shower rooms.
1/7 Viborg Sö camping. With a view over Viborg. It was really windy here, but that is the case in all of Denmark. It blows from the west to the east. Always.
2/7 We thought that the camping outside of Legoland should be full, more or less. But as you can see, you may think that Legoland has closed for the season.
2/7 The Royal Castle Amalienborg. Approx. 40.000 windows!
Mount Rushmore (?) at Legoland. Don't they ever get tired?
3/7 The campingen behind the swimming arena in Tellingstedt.
4/7 Here we are again in Stadtcamping Kassel. The river Fulda is behind our backs. You can often see canoeists training on the river.
6/7 This camping we didn't like at all. The shower is outdoors without walls!
7/7 This camping was nice. The closeness to the countryside is obvious. On the other side of the fence are hens and roosters.
15/7 Excursion with wine test. We started in Kayserberg.
15/7 Another "wine village", Riquewihr. They've gotten prize for their flower arrangements.
12/7 On excursion to Strasbourg. The photo shows the restaurant we had lunch at. The little one in the middle.
This is the view from the lookout tower at the Ecomusée. A lot of storks.
17/7 This is the castle in Cochem, south of Koblenz.
20/7 Stenröset Camping in Trollhättan, about 9 in the morning.
21/7 Caravan Club's camping Skutberget. It is walking distance to the public camping, which has got a shop.
